Home Business How many SEZs are there in Cambodia?

How many SEZs are there in Cambodia?

by admina

As of August 2023, there are 54 Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in Cambodia. These SEZs are located throughout the country, with some of the largest and most developed SEZs located in Sihanoukville, Phnom Penh, and Bavet.

SEZs are designated areas within a country where businesses enjoy preferential tax and other incentives. This makes them attractive to foreign investors and can help to boost economic growth and development.

Cambodia’s SEZs have been instrumental in attracting foreign investment and creating jobs in the country. In 2022, SEZs accounted for over 70% of Cambodia’s foreign direct investment (FDI). SEZs also employ over 200,000 people, making them a major contributor to the country’s economy.

Here are some of the key benefits of investing in a SEZ in Cambodia:

  • Tax breaks and other financial incentives
  • Simplified customs and immigration procedures
  • Access to world-class infrastructure
  • A skilled and motivated workforce
  • A supportive government

The Cambodian government is committed to developing and promoting its SEZs. In recent years, the government has invested heavily in infrastructure development in SEZs, including roads, bridges, power grids, and water supply systems. The government has also streamlined the process for businesses to obtain licenses and permits to operate in SEZs.

As a result of these efforts, Cambodia’s SEZs are becoming increasingly attractive to foreign investors. A number of major multinational companies have already established operations in SEZs in Cambodia, including Panasonic, Samsung, and Adidas.

The growth of Cambodia’s SEZs is expected to continue in the coming years. The government has set a goal of attracting US$10 billion in FDI to SEZs by 2025. This ambitious goal is achievable given Cambodia’s favorable investment climate and the government’s commitment to developing its SEZs.

Overall, Cambodia’s SEZs offer a number of attractive benefits to foreign investors. Businesses that are looking to expand into Southeast Asia should consider investing in a SEZ in Cambodia.

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