Home Lifesytle Can you recommend a good restaurant in Phnom Penh?

Can you recommend a good restaurant in Phnom Penh?

by admina

There are many options to choose from, depending on your taste, budget, and mood. Here are some of the best restaurants in Phnom Penh that I found for you:

  • If you want to try authentic and refined Khmer cuisine, you should visit Malis Restaurant. This restaurant was established by Cambodia celebrity chef Luu Meng to restore Khmer culinary to its former glory. You can enjoy dishes such as fish amok, beef lok lak, and banana blossom salad in a beautiful setting with a lotus pond and a garden. The restaurant is open daily from 6:00 am to 10:30 pm.
  • If you want to have a fun and social dining experience, you should check out Friends the Restaurant. This restaurant is part of a social enterprise that trains and employs former street children and marginalized youth. You can savor tapas-style dishes from around the world, such as nachos, falafel, and spring rolls, as well as cocktails and smoothies. The restaurant also has a shop that sells handmade products and souvenirs. The restaurant is open daily from 11:00 am to 9:00 pm.
  • If you want to have a unique and adventurous dining experience, you should try Dine in the Dark. This restaurant offers a sensory journey where you eat in complete darkness, guided by visually impaired staff. You can choose from four different menus: Khmer, international, vegetarian, or surprise. You will not know what you are eating until the end of the meal, when you will see the photos of your dishes. The restaurant is open daily from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

These are some of the good restaurants in Phnom Penh that I recommend. I hope you enjoy your meal and have a great time in Phnom Penh.

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