Home Tradition Cambodian Greeting (Sampeah)

Cambodian Greeting (Sampeah)

by admina

Cambodia is a country with a rich and diverse culture, influenced by its ancient history, its religious beliefs, and its modern challenges. One of the most distinctive and important aspects of Cambodian culture is the way of greeting, which is called sampeah. In this article, we will explain what sampeah is, how to perform it, and when to use it.

What is sampeah?

Sampeah (in Khmer: សំពះ) is a traditional Cambodian gesture that expresses respect, gratitude, and politeness. It is similar to the Thai wai or the Indian namaste. To perform sampeah, one has to place both palms together in front of the chest, like a lotus flower, and bow the head slightly. The word often spoken with sampeah when greeting somebody is chum reap sour (in Khmer: ជំរាបសួរ), which means “hello” in a formal way. The word spoken when saying goodbye is chum reap lea (in Khmer: ជំរាបលា), which means “goodbye” in a formal way.

How to perform sampeah?

The way of performing sampeah depends on the age, status, and relationship of the person you are greeting. The higher you raise your hands and the lower you bow your head, the more respect you show. There are five levels of sampeah, according to the position of the hands:

  • First level: The hands are placed at the chest level. This is used when greeting friends, peers, or younger people.
  • Second level: The hands are placed at the mouth level. This is used when greeting bosses, older people, or higher-ranking people.
  • Third level: The hands are placed at the nose level. This is used when greeting parents, grandparents, or teachers.
  • Fourth level: The hands are placed at the eyebrows level. This is used when greeting the king or monks.
  • Fifth level: The hands are placed at the forehead level. This is used when praying to God or sacred statues.

When to use sampeah?

Sampeah is not only used for greeting and saying goodbye, but also for saying thank you, apologizing, requesting, or praying. Sampeah can be used in various situations and occasions, such as meeting someone for the first time, visiting someone’s home, attending a ceremony or a festival, or entering a temple. Sampeah is also considered as a sign of humility and sincerity, and it is considered impolite not to return sampeah when someone offers it to you.

Sampeah is an important part of Cambodian culture and etiquette. It reflects the values and beliefs of the Cambodian people, such as respect, gratitude, and politeness. By learning how to perform sampeah correctly and appropriately, you can show your appreciation and understanding of Cambodian culture and make a good impression on the people you meet.

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