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Phnom Penh Travel Guide: What to Know Before You Go

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When is the best time to travel to Cambodia?

Cambodia is a beautiful country that offers a rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, and hospitality to its visitors. The country is home to the world-famous Angkor Wat, the largest religious monument in the world, as well as other ancient temples, palaces, and monuments that showcase the glory of the Khmer civilization. Cambodia also boasts stunning landscapes, such as the Tonle Sap Lake, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia, the Cardamom Mountains, the highest mountain range in the country, and the Mekong River, one of the longest and most important rivers in Asia. Cambodia also has a vibrant and diverse culture, influenced by Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and colonialism, as well as a resilient and friendly people who have overcome a tragic history of war and genocide.

However, when planning a trip to Cambodia, one of the most important factors to consider is the weather. Cambodia has a tropical climate that is hot and humid all year round, but it also has two distinct seasons: dry and wet. The dry season runs from November to May, and the wet season runs from June to October. The dry season is further divided into two sub-seasons: cool and hot. The cool season lasts from November to February, and the hot season lasts from March to May. The wet season coincides with the southwest monsoon that brings heavy rains and strong winds.

The best time to travel to Cambodia depends on your preferences and activities. Each season has its own advantages and disadvantages, as well as its own attractions and challenges. Here are some of the pros and cons of each season, as well as some tips and advice on what to do and see in each season.

Dry Season (November – May)

The dry season is generally considered the best time to travel to Cambodia, especially during the cool sub-season from November to February. This is because:

  • The weather is more pleasant and comfortable, with lower temperatures (around 25°C – 30°C or 77°F – 86°F), lower humidity, and less rain. This makes exploring the temples, cities, and countryside more enjoyable and less exhausting.
  • The countryside is more scenic and colorful, with green rice fields, blooming flowers, and clear skies. The water levels of the rivers and lakes are also higher, creating more opportunities for boat trips and cruises.
  • The tourism industry is more active and vibrant, with more events, festivals, and activities. Some of the highlights include the Water Festival (Bon Om Touk) in November, which celebrates the reversal of the Tonle Sap River flow with boat races and fireworks; the Angkor Wat International Half Marathon in December, which raises funds for landmine victims; and Khmer New Year (Chaul Chnam Thmey) in April, which marks the start of the new year with water fights and parties.

However, there are also some drawbacks of traveling to Cambodia during the dry season, such as:

  • The crowds are larger and more intense, especially at popular destinations such as Angkor Wat or Phnom Penh. This means more traffic jams, noise, pollution, and competition for accommodation,
  • transportation, and services. You may also have to deal with higher prices and lower availability of some items or facilities.
  • The heat can be unbearable, especially during the hot sub-season from March to May. The temperatures can soar above 40°C (104°F), making it hard to stay outdoors or do any physical activities. You may also have to cope with dust, smoke, and haze that reduce visibility and air quality.
  • The waterfalls and beaches are less impressive and attractive, as they dry up or become muddy due to lack of rain. You may also have to face water shortages or power cuts in some areas due to low water supply.

Wet Season (June – October)

The wet season is generally considered the worst time to travel to Cambodia, especially during September and October.

This is because:

  • The weather is more unpredictable and unpleasant, with higher temperatures (around 30°C – 35°C or 86°F – 95°F), higher humidity, and more rain. The rain can be heavy and frequent, causing floods, landslides, and road closures. The rain can also ruin your plans or activities, such as temple visits, trekking, or cycling.
  • The countryside is more dull and gloomy, with brown rice fields, wilted flowers, and cloudy skies. The water levels of the rivers and lakes are also lower, creating less opportunities for boat trips or cruises.
  • The tourism industry is more quiet and slow, with fewer events, festivals, and activities. Some of the attractions or facilities may be closed or inaccessible due to bad weather or low demand. However, there are also some benefits of traveling to Cambodia during the wet season, such as:
  • The crowds are smaller and more relaxed, especially at less popular destinations such as Battambang or Kratie. This means less traffic jams, noise, pollution, and competition for accommodation, transportation, and services. You may also have to deal with lower prices and higher availability of some items or facilities.
  • The heat is more bearable, especially during June and July. The temperatures are slightly lower (around 28°C – 32°C or 82°F – 90°F), and the rain can bring some relief and freshness. You may also have to cope with less dust, smoke, and haze that improve visibility and air quality.
  • The waterfalls and beaches are more impressive and attractive, as they fill up or become clear due to more rain. You may also have to face more wildlife and vegetation in some areas due to more water supply.


There is no definitive answer to when is the best time to travel to Cambodia, as it depends on your preferences and activities. However, if you want to enjoy the best weather and scenery, you should visit Cambodia during the dry season, especially during the cool sub-season from November to February. If you want to avoid the crowds and save money, you should visit Cambodia during the wet season, especially during June and July. If you want to experience the culture and festivals, you should visit Cambodia during the dry season, especially during November, December, or April. Whatever season you choose, you should always check the weather forecast and plan your itinerary accordingly. You should also pack appropriate clothing and equipment for the season and be prepared for any changes or emergencies. By following these tips and advice, you can have a safe and enjoyable trip to Cambodia.

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