Home Culture 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Cambodian Culture

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Cambodian Culture

by admina

Cambodia is a Southeast Asian country with a rich and diverse culture. It is home to the world-famous Angkor Wat temple complex, as well as a variety of other ancient ruins, Buddhist pagodas, and traditional villages.

Here are 10 things you may not have known about Cambodian culture:

  • Theravada Buddhism is the state religion of Cambodia. It is practiced by over 95% of the population. Cambodian Buddhism is characterized by its emphasis on monasticism and meditation.

  • Cambodians are known for their warm and welcoming hospitality. They are often eager to share their culture and traditions with visitors.

  • The Cambodian language, Khmer, is one of the oldest living languages in the world. It is written in a unique script that is derived from ancient Sanskrit.

  • Cambodian cuisine is a delicious fusion of Khmer, Indian, and Chinese influences. Some popular dishes include amok (steamed fish in a curry sauce), lok lak (stir-fried beef with black pepper sauce), and bai sach chrouk (grilled pork and rice).

  • Cambodians love to dance. Traditional Cambodian dance is a beautiful and expressive art form that tells stories from Hindu mythology and Buddhist legends.

  • Cambodian weddings are elaborate affairs that can last for up to three days. The wedding ceremony is a complex ritual that involves a variety of traditional customs and symbols.

  • Cambodians have a strong sense of community. They are always willing to help out their neighbors and friends in need.

  • Cambodians are proud of their culture and heritage. They are working hard to preserve their traditions and pass them on to future generations.

Here are three additional things you may not have known about Cambodian culture:

  1. Cambodians have a unique way of counting the years. They use a Buddhist lunar calendar, which is different from the Gregorian calendar used in most of the world.
  2. Cambodians have a number of superstitions and taboos. For example, it is considered rude to point at someone or to touch their head.
  3. Cambodians are very family-oriented. They place a high value on respect for elders and children.

If you are planning a trip to Cambodia, be sure to learn more about its rich and unique culture. Cambodians are a proud and welcoming people who are always eager to share their culture with visitors.


  • Cambodia Tourism Board: https://www.cambodiatravel.com/
  • CIA Factbook: Cambodia: https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/cambodia/
  • Cultural Atlas: Cambodia: https://culturalatlas.sbs.com.au/cambodian-culture/
  • Wikipedia: Cambodian culture: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambodian_culture

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